Is Smorgasburg LA free to enter

Yes. Smorgasburg is free to attend and open to all ages. 

Is Smorgasburg LA open every Sunday, even if it's a holiday?

Yes, Smorgasburg is open every Sunday.

What if there's a forecast for rain?

The market is open rain or shine. The forecast changes all the time and vendors are encouraged to come every weekend, regardless of forecast. In the event of an all-day, total downpour, don't expect all of the vendors to be set up, as some may opt not to come. 

How do I become a vendor?

Are pets allowed?

Is there parking?

All prospective vendors should start by going to our apply page. it will answer all your questions about applying to be a vendor at smorgasburg.


Pets are not allowed at the market, we’re sorry!


Yes, there is a 4,000 car garage on-site.