For all Vendors

Seller’s Permit

The State of California requires that all vendors have a Seller’s Permit in order to regulate the collection of sales tax. If you don’t already have one, it will be your responsibility to fill out the proper forms. If you do already have one, make sure that Smorgasburg is listed as a sub-location (especially if you are registered in another city.) It is free to register.

You can find more information, and register, here:

Food Vendors Only

Temporary Food Facility application

If you are not vending from a permanently licensed food truck or cart, you will also need to fill out a Temporary Food Facility Application. We have filled in some of the basic information relevant to every vendor. Put your company name as “NAME OF FACILITY”, and your name as “FACILITY OPERATOR”. And please put your intended start date next to “DATE(S) OF THE EVENT”.

You will be responsible for your own fees, but we will take care of submitting your application to the DOH, so PLEASE fill this out and return it to us as soon as you can. The fee will show up on your first invoice. Annual permits are offered from July 1st through June 30th of the following year. Food vendors who are vending with us on July 1st are required to apply for the annual permit. If you join Smorgasburg at a time when annual permits are not being offered, you can apply for consecutive 90-day permits until June 30th, at which time you will be required to switch to an annual permit.

Here are the fees for a 90-day permit:

Cooked/prepared food “Food Preparation Booth”: $184

Prepackaged Food Booth: $82

Prepackaged Food Booth with Sampling: $116

Here are the fees for the annual permit:

Cooked/prepared food “Food Preparation Booth”: $507

Prepackaged Food Booth: $164

Prepackaged Food Booth with Sampling: $209

As a food vendor, you are required to prep your food in a fully licensed and permitted Commercial Kitchen. If you prep in a restaurant kitchen or shared kitchen that does not have the same name as your business name, you must also fill out the attached Agreement for Sharing a Commercial Kitchen. If that kitchen is in Pasadena or Orange County, you will need to include a copy of their permit.

If you prep in a restaurant with the same name as the business you are vending with at Smorgasburg, you must submit a copy of your restaurant’s health dept. permit. If the owner's name on the permit doesn’t match the Facility Operator's name on your TFFA, you will also need to sign and submit the Agreement for Sharing a Commercial Kitchen. Please make sure that the facility where you prep has a valid and up-to-date DOH Permit to operate or it might hold up your application.

It is your responsibility to follow all the rules set forth by the Department of Health, and be able to produce any documentation requested by the DOH on market day.